See release notes from prior years.
Learn more about the new version of PC*Miler Web.


Oct. 3, 2024


Guidance Menu

A new Guidance Menu can help you learn more about the most common tasks in PC*Miler Web. Click the wand button in the lower-left part of the PC*Miler screen to open the menu.

Select Route Modifiers in the Route Options

Route Modifiers, which are roads you want PC*Miler to avoid, favor, or close when calculating a route, can now be selected in the Route Options for an individual route. Click the slider bar next to a Route Modifier set if you want to apply that set to the current route and view modifiers on the map. 

Add stops intermediate stops to a route

A new + button in the route card can help you more easily add intermediate stops when creating a route. The button appears after you have added at least two stops. Click the + button and the next stop you add appears at that point in your itinerary. 

View whether modifiers are in use

The summary of route options at the top of a route card now displays whether Route Modifiers are being used to calculate the route.

Name routes in Route Options

Routes can now be named or renamed under Route Options

Bug Fix

  • Fixed the display of text that appeared fuzzy at times on certain monitors.

August 28, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where imported stop names were being removed from the route card after optimizing a route.
  • Fixed an issue where street addresses were being added to stops after optimizing a route.

August 22, 2024


You can now save Route Options for an individual route as a new, custom Vehicle Routing Profile. This allows you to select that profile from the profiles drop-down menu whenever you want to apply those options to a new route. To save Route Options as a profile, check the box next to Save as New Custom Profile, name your profile, and select Save to finish.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a custom Vehicle Routing Profile could not be saved with metric units.
  • Fixed a console error when using PC*Miler in a private browser window.
  • Fixed an issue where updates to the Total Axles field in a Vehicle Routing Profile were not properly being displayed in Route Options.

July 10, 2024

PC*MILER 38 Version Release

Routing enhancements

The PC*Miler routing algorithm is improved with every version release. Highlights for version 38 include:

53-foot routing enhancements 

PC*Miler 38 includes enhancements that generate more direct (and sometimes shorter) routes for 53-foot trailers as the routing algorithm takes into account state-by-state exceptions to the requirement that 53-foot trailers be routed along the U.S. National Network. 

To take advantage of this routing enhancement, PC*Miler needs to know the vehicle's dimensions. You can set the vehicle's dimensions for a 53-foot trailer in one of two ways:

  1. Set the Vehicle Routing Profile to Heavy Duty Semitrailer, which is the preset PC*Miler profile for 53-foot trailers.
  2. In Route Options > Vehicle Dimensions, set the vehicle's Length to greater than 48 feet, Maximum Width to greater than 96 inches, or both. (Best practice is to set the actual vehicle dimensions.) With those dimensions set in PC*Miler 38 and higher, the State + National Network setting is automatically selected in the Route Options > Vehicle Dimensions.

PC*Miler 37 and lower

Routes for 53-foot trailers can be calculated when State + National Network routing is selected in the Route Options > Vehicle Dimensions or in a Vehicle Routing Profile. (This is consistent with earlier versions of PC*Miler.) However, the enhanced State + National Network routing is not available with the State + National Network setting in these lower versions.

Estimated travel time (ETT) enhancement

The Trimble routing algorithm has been updated to provide more accurate estimated travel times (ETT). To take advantage of this update, the reports version must be set to Current, which is the default. 

Map Data Enhancements

Our road map data in North America is updated with every PC*Miler version release. Some highlights for version 38 include:

  • 345 new construction road projects were added
  • Over 32,700 new POIs were added to the Places Database
  • Over 27,600  new site locations were coded, including distribution centers, retail storefronts, manufacturing plant, and truck stops and service centers
  • More than 2,800 miles of new highway-level network was added to the United States
  • Truck through-travel restrictions were updated within over 1,000 city limits
  • More than 10,600 customer-reported issues were fixed

For more detail, please see our North America map data release notes. (The PC*Miler 38 release includes all of the map data updates between starting at Q2.1 2023 and ending with Q2 2024.) 

Using PC*MILER 38

If you are a legacy Standard subscriber, PC*MILER 38 map data and routing software are used for all calculations. (Standard is no longer available for new subscribers.)

If you are a Premium subscriber, PC*MILER Web defaults to Current data. Current always has the most up-to-date road maps and routing software, making it ideal for route planning.  The standardized “numbered” annual version releases are mostly used by shippers and carriers when generating distances for freight rating and billing. It helps ensure they are generating the same PC*MILER distances for the same trucking lanes, and that distances match those returned by our installed “on premise” versions of PC*MILER.

June 20, 2024

The modern, redesigned version of PC*Miler Web is now the default version when you log in. The legacy version can still be accessed for a limited time by clicking the Looking for PC*Miler Web Legacy? link at the top of the PC*Miler screen. 

June 17, 2024

New Feature

A Delete All Routes button was added for when you have multiple route entry cards open and want to close them all at once.

Bug Fixes

Fixed several issues in Vehicle Routing Profiles including: 

  • An issue that prevented changes to restriction zones (Congestion, LEZ, ULEZ) in Europe from being applied to routing. 
  • An issue resulting in incorrect metric conversions for some vehicle settings in North America.
  • An issue that caused extraneous decimal values for Auto profiles in Europe.
  • An issue where the Save button would not be disabled after saving a change in the Allow Governor Speed setting.

Fixed an issue to prevent the Use Sites and Highway Only settings from being checked at the same time.

Improved various display issues, including the display of route entry cards.

June 6, 2024

New Feature

Route Options for an individual route can now be set and viewed in the route entry card. This allows you to view all of the settings in a Vehicle Routing Profile or modify those settings for a particular route. 

Enhanced Features

Vehicle Dimensions settings now include a Total Axles field that can be set from a minimum value of 2 to a maximum value of 12. This setting is only used to calculate tolls.

The Reports Data Version you select for mileage calculations now persists when you log out of PC*Miler and log back in. It can be changed in the drop-down in the route entry card for any given route.

Web tools now open in a new web browser tab when selected from the web tools menu.

The route entry card was improved to reduce the scrolling needed to view route information for routes with 10 or more stops.

April 4, 2024

Enhanced Features

Retain default profiles

When a user selects a vehicle routing profile in the dropdown menu in the route entry card, it is now retained as the default profile for future routes.

Improve your application settings

The Application Settings menu has been streamlined with fewer settings under Search Preferences. Changes include:

  • Custom places are now included by default in location searches.
  • The option to Use Map Center for Relevance in searches has been removed.
  • A new check box titled Ratings Optimized Settings allows you to limit search results to only country, state, county, city, and ZIP code. This option is for customers who exclusively use PC*Miler to generate ZIP to ZIP or city to city mileage for freight rating and billing and don't need to search specific addresses.

March 14, 2024

Bug Fixes

Selecting the Enter key on the keyboard now launches an address search when using older versions of PC*Miler. Previously, you had to select the Search button in the route card to start an address search.

Custom place names are now displayed in the list of stops when the name is selected during a search in the route card. 

Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect results when Application Settings > Length, Distance and Weight Units is set to Metric and Liters.

Fixed a display issue with traffic camera pop-ups.

Feb. 22, 2024

Enhanced Features

Enter city, state or ZIP/postal codes for older version of PC*Miler

When the Reports version is set to anything except Current, you are now required to enter a city, state, or ZIP/postal code before PC*Miler searches for a matching location. 

  • Current is the default setting. It uses the most current map data, and it allows you to search for possible address matches based on a street address only. Current should always be used to calculate driving directions.
  • Older PC*Miler versions require a city, state, or ZIP/postal code in order to find a matching address with older data. Older versions should only be used when you are trying to calculate mileage based on a certain PC*Miler version—usually because that version is specified in a customer contract.

Exclude ferry distances from reports

A new option in Application Settings allows you to select whether to include ferry distances in reports. Set Ferry Distances to Don't Show in Reports to exclude those distances from reports.

Limit edit access on Vehicle Routing Profiles

The ability to edit Vehicle Routing Profiles is now limited to only Company Administrators in cases where a company's PC*Miler Web account has multiple users. Contact us if you need to change who has Company Administrator privileges on your account.

Feb. 8, 2024

Bug Fixes

Fixed an error that could occur when repeatedly re-naming and saving a route.

Fixed a display issue in Application Settings > Route Costs.

Fixed the display of Hub Routing icons.

Fixed English/Metric conversion errors that were preventing routes from being calculated.

Jan. 25, 2024

Enhanced Feature

View stop names in route reports

If imported stops include stop names, PC*Miler now displays those names in route reports.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where the Vehicle Routing Profile and PC*Miler data version were not retained when a Saved Route was updated and saved again under a new name.

Fixed the positioning of tooltips on the screen. 

Jan. 11, 2024

Enhanced Features

Improved the display of stop icons and text.

Improved accessibility for keyboard and screen reader users.